Mungkin ini adalah suatu cara yang diberikan Tuhan kepada saya untuk menyampaikan pengalaman dalam mengenal dan menikmati Tuhan.
Saya merasakan masih banyak sekali diantara kita yang sulit mengenal Tuhan secara riil, hal ini saya rasakan ketika kita melihat/mencoba melihat Tuhan dari sudut yang berada di luar Tuhan.
Pada Tulisan saya ini saya mengajak kita melihat Tuhan dari sudut Tuhan yang adalah Roh, melalui pemahaman lebih lagi akan Prinsip Roh itu sendiri.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Being The witness of Christ

be light of the world 

Being The witness of Christ is processed automatically become a Christian witness because it has experienced the fullness of a vessel that kept filled and filled with the glory of the Lord.

Abundant vessel that is what makes us The witness and testify automatically because we've experienced in life SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE, so experience with the Lord / spiritual that automatically makes us want be a witness the Lord to anyone.

Testify and be a witness the Lord is part of our heavenly treasure, into heavenly reward, making us the holy, the winner to reign with Christ 1000 years until the New Jerusalem.

God with His online system records all of our notes of our spiritual testimony, because we have been baptized and spiritually registered in heaven and all the records of our testimony it becomes our heavenly treasure, capital reign with Christ .. (Revelation 20)

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