Mungkin ini adalah suatu cara yang diberikan Tuhan kepada saya untuk menyampaikan pengalaman dalam mengenal dan menikmati Tuhan.
Saya merasakan masih banyak sekali diantara kita yang sulit mengenal Tuhan secara riil, hal ini saya rasakan ketika kita melihat/mencoba melihat Tuhan dari sudut yang berada di luar Tuhan.
Pada Tulisan saya ini saya mengajak kita melihat Tuhan dari sudut Tuhan yang adalah Roh, melalui pemahaman lebih lagi akan Prinsip Roh itu sendiri.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Steps in working with GOD for world activities

In facing of various problems and opportunities, I always do a stage like in this picture.

 (1) When there is a problem or opportunity, then the logic or emotion that is in our soul and brain, we should ask the Lord in our hearts that are filled with the Holy Spirit (2) before we make a decision to do so (3).

  In order for all of our decision that is the best because we ask the Lord considerations that are in our hearts to give the sense/understanding more than just logic. That's what I always do.

 It is different understanding about moral and spiritual. Moral is different every country, tribe, for example, Arabian moral is different in comparison to European or Chinese.

 But the spiritual have to be the same because It have to be from the same resource, the GOD. But the problem many religion have not reach until to spiritual with the true GOD.

 So, the error occur everywhere and it may be the some negative power can occupy people's soul that even do to kill in the name of wrong god.


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